Sunday, 15 January 2012

Digital IO - Hello World

I've just got my Netduino Plus and so some Hello World apps are needed.

There are many examples on how to get your on-board LED to flash, things really get interesting when you can accept input from the pins.  This is a Hello World on reading off the digital pins.

The plan is a simple one.
  1. Connect the D0 to D1.
  2. Have D0 turn off and on.
  3. Read off D1.
  4. See is the value read from D1 matches the value of D0
 I've connected the pins as shown in this picture:

Digital Pins 0 and 1 connected

In order to print out these values, we'll just use the Debug.Print() method, so you'll see it in the Output window of the IDE.  The code used looks like this:

namespace DigitalIOHelloWorld
    public class Program
        public static void Main()
            OutputPort pinD0 = new OutputPort(Pins.GPIO_PIN_D0, false);
            InputPort pinD1 = new InputPort(Pins.GPIO_PIN_D1, false, Port.ResistorMode.Disabled);

            while (true)
                Debug.Print("D0 = " + pinD0.Read());
                Debug.Print("Turning D0 on");
                Debug.Print("Reading D1 = " + pinD1.Read());
                Debug.Print("D0 = " + pinD0.Read());
                Debug.Print("Turning D0 off");
                Debug.Print("Reading D1 = " + pinD1.Read());

 Deploying this and running it will produce this output in the IDE:

D0 = False
Turning D0 on
Reading D1 = True
D0 = True
Turning D0 off
Reading D1 = False
D0 = False
Turning D0 on
Reading D1 = True
D0 = True

As you can see, the read value on D1 matched the state of D0.

Hope this helps.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    Thanks for your Netduino stuff! I see you looked at

    Did you ever get freeosek going on the Netduino?

